Although some of you may use Instant Messaging or other forms of electronic "talk," I want to establish some guidelines for using this Blog site right from the start because I view this site as a digital extension of our classroom. This means that any rules or expectations I have for you in the classroom are the same rules and expectations I have for you here in Cyberspace, with one main exception: Do Not Use Your Last Name on the Blog.
*First of all, be aware that I will be able to identify you through your email address. So think carefully about what you write and how you write.
*Second, be respectful. So, try not to write anything that would make people frightened, angry, upset or embarrassed. It's ok to ask thoughtful questions, even on sensitive subjects, but do so in tactful, polite manner.
*Third, keep it clean! Avoid swears and other topics that are inappropriate in a classroom setting. (Remember, this Blog is an extension of our classroom).
*Finally, if in doubt about writing what you're thinking, leave it out!
If you have any questions/concerns please let me know right away.
:) MS. ANGALA (contact me:
*** These policies are adapted from The Electronic Pencil, run by Mr. Hodgson, sixth grade teacher, Southampton, Massachusetts. He is also a Teacher Consultant for Writing and the Technology Liaison for their local NWP site.
**** This is a class homepage I created for my students, an anthology of all their poems. This is still related to my art-literature based curriculum. I already talked to the parents about this and they reacted positively, as long as personal information be kept private and no identifiable photos be shown. The parents of these students were asked to sign a Parental Consent for Publication for me to continue publishing the students' wonderful poems and illustrations in this website.
***** This website is in compliance with the FORUM UNIFIED EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY SUITE.
Ms. Anagla,
Your students are good writers. Each one has a special way of telling the reader who they are and what they are thinking. I enjoyed the poem about the tsunami and the autobiographical poems. I could really identify with the young man who mentioned food in his poem. I like to eat too. I'll try to visit your site soon.
This is so wonderful !!! Thanks for sharing and helping our children to continue to grow.
Carol Helton
DCPS Office of Special Education
Just took a moment to leave a comment on one of the poems (will try to sprinkle a few more along the way). Congratulations on such a lovely gift your students have given us!
Karen L. McComas
Communication Disorders, Marshall University
Huntington, WV 25755-2634
IM: KLMcComas
You keep on keepin' on. You are doing the right stuff. You even got me all fired up! I went deeper into the site and left a comment for Rafael E. Great poem!
Larry Barton
Red River Valley WP
Thank you, Angala, for sharing the powerful work of your students. I hope the blog offers them rich opportunities for writing and for feeling part of a community of writers. Jeff's suggestion for a collaborative writing exchange sounds wonderful. I'll check back!
Hi Maria,
The anthology is wonderful. I saw it tonight. Your kids must be extremely motivated and happy to have you as a teacher. Keep up the good work.
Marie Blake
DC Area Writing Project
Washington, DC
Howard University
Hi! Good job on the student site.
Danilo Baylen
Florida Writing Project
Writing Consultant/ Tech Liaison
I enjoyed the blog, and your students' work, enormously, Maria!!! Thank
you for sharing such a fascinating project. Please let us know how your
students react to the comments, from each other and from the world at
Paul Oh
National Writing Project
Writing Consultant/ Tech Liaison
Beautiful job with the site and poems. I posted a number of responses. I really enjoyed the writing. I signed myself as Mr.Hodgson, sixth grade teacher, Southampton, Massachusetts -- but you can tell them that I run a blog site, too, for student writing.
What age levels are your students?Would you be interested in doing some sort of writing exchange through blog technology? Just a thought.
Great job
Kevin Hodgson
sixth grade teacher
Southampton Massachusetts WP
Writing Consultant/ Tech Liaison
Just wanted to say I really like the Digital Anthology site you
set up. I have put a link to it off of the DC Education Blog.
NATHAN, author
DC Education Blog
Dear Maria,
I have just gotten to view- and therefore, to read--your digital anthology for the first time today.
I enjoyed your student's anthology very much--especially your own introduction in which you refer to yourself as an accidental special education teacher. I think its terrific and that you should definitely continue to publish it. I look forward to receiving future editions and sharing them with my own students.
Thanks for doing this and for sharing it with me
...Kathy Echave
DC Area Writing Project
Writing Consultant
These students wrote from their heart and their writing was wonderful to read. Thanks for providing a way for them to share their creative ideas with us.
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