Make your inputs in this IEP At-A-Glance Form brief but include enough information to assure that the IEP is being followed. This is an editable word document that you can modify based from the needs of your student. You may copy the goals and adaptations from the IEP and staple it to this if you wish. You may hand carry it to the regular education teacher and explain to her the purpose of this document.
When I share this document with a regular education teacher, I explain to him/ her that:
- this is a confidential document. This is not to be left in the desk; it must be kept in a safe, confidential location.
- if he/ she needs more information to get in touch with me.
- it is very important that IEP’s are followed for every student who has one.
SPED Inclusion Specialized Instruction Service Hours Chart. Need help in remembering the services needed for each student in your caseload? Use this editable chart to record the specialized instruction number of hours and keep track of your special needs students in the following environment:
1. Cotaught classes are taught by both a general educator and a special educator. The student with an IEP is receiving instruction in the general education environment. Hours can be appropriately documented as special education service hours on the IEP given the consistent direct instruction and support provided by special education staff.
2. Supported classes are taught by a general educator with support from a special education paraeducator. The student with an IEP is receiving instruction in the general education environment and hours can be appropriately documented as special education service hours on the IEP given the consistent direct instruction and support provided by special education staff.
1. Cotaught classes are taught by both a general educator and a special educator. The student with an IEP is receiving instruction in the general education environment. Hours can be appropriately documented as special education service hours on the IEP given the consistent direct instruction and support provided by special education staff.
2. Supported classes are taught by a general educator with support from a special education paraeducator. The student with an IEP is receiving instruction in the general education environment and hours can be appropriately documented as special education service hours on the IEP given the consistent direct instruction and support provided by special education staff.
•Analyze data in a series of simple steps
•Use student work for strategic or intensive instruction
•Explicitly decide when to “"re-do","review", or "re-teach"
•Facilitate grade level or subject area group discussions of data
•Make the ongoing use of data part of the school’s culture

Printable Mnemonics: Coordinating Conjunctions
Do you know of an easy way to help our students remember these coordinating conjunctions? You can use the acronym FANBOYS to help them remember the coordinating conjunctions. Print this and post on Literacy Center for visual aid after explaining to them how this is used.
Statue of Liberty: Practice Writing RACE Strategy

It focuses on the first writing Common Core State Standard which helps the student introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer's purpose. With the use of RACE strategy, it also helps to provide reasons that are supported by facts and details and provide a strong concluding statement.
Modifications for exceptional needs students in a self-contained or inclusive setting:
- Enlarged text
- Modified (shortened/simplified) text
- Graphic organizer
- Bolded/highlighted key words
Grab it now!!
Winter Holidays Tic Tac Toe

Okay, admit it. The winter holidays have some of the most fun and interesting words in the English language. You can hardly say them without a smile coming to your face. While in class we usually choose 3 activities in a row for spelling, I would encourage our students at home to do a “black out” for a reward!! I also included an easy grading rubric, have fun!!
Build a Connection

stem listed for that connection they've chosen and use it to help them write a connection. Please let me know how this is helpful to you!
Communism in Eastern Europe

Differentiated Project Menu

Lesson on Writing Captions

Retelling Cube for Stories

Short Quiz on Genre

Travel Brochure Lesson: Europe
With awesome visuals, this is a lesson presentation on Travel Brochures which I created for special needs students who are mainstreamed in the general education setting. By the end of the lesson, students will examine 2 commercial brochures and create a 5-slide European virtual travel powerpoint presentation that incorpo
rates research skills and detailed summaries. Have fun with the kids!
What is a Landmark?

Washington Monument: Practice Writing RACE Strategy

It focuses on the first writing Common Core State Standard which helps the student introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer's purpose. With the use of RACE strategy, it also helps to provide reasons that are supported by facts and details and provide a strong concluding statement.
Modifications for exceptional needs students in a self-contained or inclusive setting:
- Enlarged text
- Modified (shortened/simplified) text
- Graphic organizer
- Bolded/highlighted key words
Grab it now!!
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