Hello colleagues,
I have worked this weekend to finish the lesson plans about immigration that our class is going to discuss this week. With this lesson, students recognize immigrants as positive role models who overcame adversities or social and economic obstacles while striving to utilize personal talents and abilities. Consequently, they will read a variety of grade level texts fluently with accuracy, appropriate pace, phrasing and expression. How are our exceptional students able to do this? I created 3 different levels of the text that they will be reading, and have scaffolded the lesson to make sure they learn the required skills. Here are the lessons:

Special Education Lesson: The Statue of Liberty Complex Text W 6.5 answers the question "How do you bring your research topic on The Statue of Liberty to life?". This 47-page lesson focuses on Common Core Standard W 6.5, work with peers to plan, revise, edit, and rewrite my work when needed. By the end of the lesson students will be able to describe the topic on The Statue of Liberty by constructing a word web with at least 5 adjectives that tell about The Statue of Liberty. The Informational Text, "The Statue of Liberty", is presented in 3 different levels for our special needs students.

Special Education Lesson: Immigration Complex Text SETTING RI6.5 answers the question "How do the details in the story impact the setting?". This 41-page lesson focuses on Common Core Standard RI6.5, infer how the details in the story impact the setting by citing at least 3 textual evidence. The standard was presented in a kid friendly language in this engaging lesson for our students with diverse learning needs! This lesson can also be used with slight modifications for ELL and ELA elementary grades. The Informational Text, "Meetings of the Mind?", is presented in 3 different levels for our special needs students.

Special Education Lesson: Immigration Complex Text CONTEXT CLUES RI6.4 answers the question "How do we examine the definition of at least 5 unfamilar words using context clues?". This 41-page lesson focuses on Common Core Standard RI6.4 analyze the impact of word choice on the tone and meaning of the passage. By the end of the lesson students will be able to examine the definition of at least 5 unfamiliar words using context clues and give examples of sentences from the story. The Informational Text, "Meetings of the Mind", is presented in 3 different levels for our special needs students.

Special Education Lesson: Immigration Complex Text SUMMARIZING RI6.2 answers the question "How do we summarize a text with main idea and supporting details?". This 52-page lesson focuses on Common Core Standard RI6.2, summarize a text without giving personal opinion. By the end of the lesson students will be able to summarize the text with main idea and supporting details in at least 3 sentences by completing a graphic organizer. The Informational Text about Immigration, "Meeting of the Minds", is presented in 3 different levels for our special needs students.
- Spec
ial Education Lesson: Immigration POEM RHYTHM & RHYME RL6.4 answers the question "How do we read an immigration poem with rhythm?". This 41-page lesson focuses on Common Core Standard RL6.4 analyze the impact of word choice on the tone and meaning of the passage. By the end of the lesson students will be able to read a poem with rhythm by identifying couplets.
It's true! Everyday it gets more challenging for us and for our students most especially when even our neediest students are expected to learn on grade level standards. I know that teachers everywhere are now looking for new resources of information and motivation. Sometimes, it comes in the form of a teaching blog, like FUNSHINE, filled with big ideas and sanity-saving differentiated resources for our diverse learners!
I promise to just be brief about our lesson this week, and as an immigrant myself I am very excited about these lessons. Check them out, and as always, please leave me a message!
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