5 Pinterest Collaborative Boards: Teaching & Education

I must confess that I am now an official Pinterest addict and I have spent more than an hour of my waking day to devote to building content of my awesome Pinterest teacher boards since its inception in November. The great news is that I'm now opening them up for collaboration!
What are Pinterest Collaborative Boards? They are actually boards on Pinterest that allow other pinners to pin content on the board. Yes, it's that plain and simple! I believe that I have great colleagues who are also Pinterest users (like YOU!) who would want to share pins centered around teaching and special education. Collaborative boards on Pinterest are a great way to share your information to other teachers and networkers, while also generating great back links to your blog or website.
My Pinterest boards are now open, please leave a comment on the latest post and I will certainly add you. Let's start sharing!
#1. Books and Reading Resources. This is all about the written word. Please leave me a comment on the most recent pin if you are interested in sharing your books and everything about books on this board.
#2 Great Ideas From Teachers. Need ideas for the kiddos? Get authentic teacher-made classroom resources, fun kid-friendly games, craftivities and more from our amazing teachers. If you want to share your awesome classroom pins, please leave me a comment on the most recent pin! We currently have 75 teachers collaborating on this board, join us!

#3 Social Media and Technology in Education. For social media savvy teachers, this board is for you! Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google + tips and tricks to make all of them grow and glow...follow this board! Let me know if you want to be a pinner to this board by leaving a comment on the most recent pin.

#4 100+ Education Quotes. Get your education quotes from the most political edreform sayings to the most inspirational wisdom laden and famous proverbs from this board! Same process, share your pins by leaving a comment on the most recent pin and I will add you as a collaborator.
#5 National Board Certification and Teacherpreneurship. When the going gets tough, what do you do? Here are some resources that you might need if you are going through the process of National Board Certification or are just looking for teaching standards and best practices for effective teacher leaders. If you have something to share about NBC or Teacherpreneurship, please leave a comment on the most recent post.


Oral Presentation Guidelines

Introduction to the Report
For your first outside reading assignment, you will be giving a presentation to your classmates. You will also complete a research paper to accompany your presentation (see #3 below) as well as make a poster that publicizes your book. If you were trying to sell this book, how would you want it presented to the public? How would you catch people’s attention? Your poster should capture some key elements of the plot and/or characters in your book.

Book Report Requirements

1. a four to six minute long oral report which includes:

• a brief introduction of the book’s plot

• a brief description of the key characters and their roles

• a glimpse of the climax

• no give-away of the resolution!

• a thoughtful discussion of how one of the following contributes to the novel:
(a) setting, (b) conflict, (c) characterization (Refer to short story packet for definitions, such as indirect/direct characterization, flat, round, etc.) For this portion of your report, you should read one passage from the book aloud to prove your point. Follow up your reading with an explanation of how it illustrates the term you have identified.

• a discussion of theme (What is the lesson that the book teaches readers? How does the book show this theme?)

• your evaluation of the book and why you like/dislike it (Be sure to give specific reasons for your “thumbs up” or “thumbs down.”)

2. a poster to publicize your novel (25 points)

• on poster board (bigger than 8 1/2” x 11”)

• include the title and author (make words visible to audience)

• make it colorful and eye-catching

• portray a key element of the plot and/or any major characters

Advice for a Good Oral Presentation (Follow these criteria.)

1. Note Cards: You should plan on using note cards (3” x 5”) to help you stay on track while delivering your speech. You don’t need to use complete sentences on the cards--just stick to key words and phrases to prompt you as you speak. Write clearly. Number the cards.

2. Rehearsing: Rehearsing before you give your oral report in class is crucial. Practice your presentation several times in front of your family or a friend so that you’re comfortable with it. Ask for feedback. Is your presentation clear? informative? interesting? Practicing will also ensure that your delivery falls within the 4 to 6 minute range.

3. Voice: Speak loudly and clearly. Try to avoid a monotone voice; be lively and enthusiastic! Pace yourself as you speak--don’t rush through your presentation or take a really long time to get your ideas across. Pause occasionally for emphasis. Pronounce words distinctly. Choose the words you say carefully before you give your report in class. Please avoid slang.

4. Facial Expressions: Think about the expressions you will be showing on your face as you’re presenting. Try to avoid scowling or frowning, unless for intentional emphasis. Let your face express and reflect what you’re saying.

5. Eye Contact: Look at everyone in your audience, not just one or two people. You do not have to deliver your whole speech to your teacher! Avoid staring at the carpet, your feet, the corner of the room, or the wall.

6. Posture and Poise: Your manner of presenting should be natural and relaxed. Try to avoid slouching, leaning to one side, or making nervous movements. Feel free to walk around a bit, using deliberate hand or facial gestures to emphasize points you’re making. If you make a mistake, try to remain calm! Just pick right back up where you left off.

RUBRIC which will be used for evaluation.

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WELCOME SY 2014-2015!

Teachers & parents tell me that this blog is like a "One-Stop-Shop", here's why ---

There are tons of lesson plans, printables, activity sheets and other resources that special education teachers can find in this blog! It's all for you to get the lil ones engaged in their seats and lovin' what they're doin'!

This blog is also our class portal to communicate information about our class, to archive course materials, to publish the course curriculum, syllabus, class rules, lessons, homework assignments, rubrics, and presentations. Yes, everything is in this blog for our students to review our lessons at home!

Parents love the transparency and the ability to access class materials in this blog. It's easy for parents to follow along as my students post their work. This holds true for their psychologists, social workers, general education teachers, and other special ed providers. This is another way for us to collaborate with the Multi-Disciplinary Team members of our students!

This class blog also serves as our students' e-portfolio. Our students collect the work they want to consider highlighting and then publish those that represent their best work. They then reflect on their work as they share them to their parents and teachers for positive comments and feedback. It's very easy for them to look back over their work and see the growth they've accomplished!

We invite you to please leave a message to our students. Beside the tiny envelope just after each entry is the comments link. Your positive feedback will surely encourage our students to do their best in school.

Thank you for visiting our class portal!