
5 Free Special Education Charts

Hello everyone,
Here are five most used special education charts that I created to assist special educators, administrators and others in providing special education services to our students. Have a great weekend!
Special Education Daily Behavior Tracker. Here's something that's ready to go! Use this chart that will help you track any type of behavior on a daily basis. This is an editable word document which you can modify to suit the needs of your student, or align it to his BIP goals.
SPED Inclusion Accomodations Weekly Monitoring Form. Easy checklist and ready to go! Use this to track the accomodations and modifications for a special needs student in the inclusion class. This word document is editable so you may align it to his IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) Accomodations.
Special Education IEP Snapshot. Do you share the IEP goals and accomodations with general education teachers? Here is a form that you can use to help you inform the regular education teacher(s) of those students in the regular education classroom who have IEP’s and may need adaptations.

Make your inputs in this IEP At-A-Glance Form brief but include enough information to assure that the IEP is being followed. This is an editable word document that you can modify based from the needs of your student. You may copy the goals and adaptations from the IEP and staple it to this if you wish. You may hand carry it to the regular education teacher and explain to her the purpose of this document.

When I share this document with a regular education teacher, I explain to him/ her that:

- this is a confidential document. This is not to be left in the desk; it must be kept in a safe, confidential location.
- if he/ she needs more information to get in touch with me.
- it is very important that IEP’s are followed for every student who has one.
SPED Inclusion Specialized Instruction Service Hours Chart. Need help in remembering the services needed for each student in your caseload? Use this editable chart to record the specialized instruction number of hours and keep track of your special needs students in the following environment:

1. Cotaught classes are taught by both a general educator and a special educator. The student with an IEP is receiving instruction in the general education environment. Hours can be appropriately documented as special education service hours on the IEP given the consistent direct instruction and support provided by special education staff.

2. Supported classes are taught by a general educator with support from a special education paraeducator. The student with an IEP is receiving instruction in the general education environment and hours can be appropriately documented as special education service hours on the IEP given the consistent direct instruction and support provided by special education staff.
Reading6 CCSS Data Tracker. Data crunchers, that's who we are! Here are simple strategies & graphic organizer to make sense of your special needs student achievement data. Use this to:

•Analyze data in a series of simple steps
•Use student work for strategic or intensive instruction
•Explicitly decide when to “"re-do","review", or "re-teach"
•Facilitate grade level or subject area group discussions of data
•Make the ongoing use of data part of the school’s culture

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