
2nd Advisory Book Report Project

Dear Students,
This is the 2nd book report that you are doing this school year. The dates that these projects will be due this winter is January 16, 2009 (The Gods and Goddesses of Olympus). In the SSR Extension Activities below you will find different options for you to chose from. You will read your book for 30 minutes each night (once the book has been approved by me) for one month. At the end of that month you will complete one of the projects in the SSR Activities and present them to the class on each of the given dates. You can only use each project idea one time. They are very fun and creative ways to present a book. I am looking forward to your presentations.
You have the option of selecting which activity to complete; however, the assessment criteria for the activities are already established. You can refer to the SSR Extension Activities (which was given to you during the first week in school) for a detailed list of non-negotiable items, along with the stipulated criteria. As part of this section, you also complete a Reading Log. Here's the Reading Log where you should complete an entry every time you read from your SSR book.
Most of you are making a "Drawings Book" for the book you are reading this 2nd Advisory, The Gods and Goddesses of Olympus. This should be a series of at least 5 drawings showing the major parts of the plot and include a written explanation of each drawing. Each explanation should be 2-3 sentences long.
Along with this, you must make an oral presentation of your book report in class. Make sure you are reading and that you come prepared for these presentations!!
Have fun reading your books!

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