
Amelia Earhart lesson plan

LESSON PLAN for English Language Arts
Maria Angala, ELA/ Math Resource Teacher
DATES: For the week of Oct 20-24, 2008
- Monday -
Video: Ice breaker

Whole Group Instruction:

Read to class the selection summary.
Have students turn to Anthology pages 142-150. Ask these questions as you lead the students to a picture walk:
Page 142: How do you think is Amelia before her big flight?
Page 143: Why are all these people so interested in Amelia and her flying? What records did she set? What special things did she accomplish?
Page 145: Who is the person in this picture? What is her job? What will she wear on her eyes when she flies her plane?
Page 149: Where are Amelia and Fred in this photograph? What has happened to their plane? What are the other people helping them to do?
Page 150: Where is Amelia in this photograph? What is she doing? What equipment does she give there to help her fly the airplane?
Page 151: What does this license allow Amelia to do?
Page 155: Where is this place? What do you think it was used for?
Pages 156-157: The photo on top of page 156 shows some objects that might have come from Amelia’s plane. What do you think they might be? How are Amelia and Fred feeling in the photograph on page 157?

Pair & Share:
Give out the story elements graphic organizer. With their partner, complete it using details from the story.
Individual work:
Choose a word from the word wall with your level of difficulty. Analyze the word that you have chosen using the Frayer Model Graphic Organizer. Share with the class when you are finished.

PAIR & Share: “Team Sight Word Race”
Use the words from the word wall: The children are divided into 2 teams. Each team takes a turn attempting to correctly read a word turned up from a pile of sight words. If one team misses, the opposite team then receives a chance to read that word in addition to their regular turn. Score is kept on the number of words each team reads correctly. Have each team member go to the back of the line after each try whether successful or not. This enables all members to gain equal practice and does not eliminate those people who need practice most.

Whole group discussion:
Please turn your books to page 151.

On page 151 of Amelia Earhart, I read: “The disappearance of Amelia Earhart, Fred Noonan, and the Electra is one of the biggest mysteries of the 20th century,” Thinking about this sentence, I decide it is an opinion. Afterall, no one could prove this statement to be true. Some would agree that it is one of the biggest mysteries, but others would disagree. The next sentence reads: “The US government’s official position is that the plane ran out of gas… then it crashed at sea and sank.” As I think about this sentence, I decide it is a fact since it could be checked. If I wanted to, I could find the official records of the crash investigation. Reading through them, I would see whether this was indeed the government’s official position.

Share some statements from the selection. Ask students to decide whether they are facts or opinions. Have students tell how they might check each fact. Have them explain why the opinions could not be proven.

Pair & Share:
Divide the class into 5 teams and play this Quia Game:



Whole group:
Have students find and read the first sentence in the first paragraph on Anthology page 155: Several years ago, a writer digging through government documents on Amelia found a telegram.

Write “telegram” on the board and decode the word:
Tele (Greek) = far off; distant
gram (Greek)= write; a letter;

List down the students responses from the warm up journal entry:
Ways to communicate:
- telegram
- telephone
- e-mail
- radio
- mail
- fax

Introduce compare and contrast:

On the board, model compare and contrast. Compare the way of communication before and at present.

Pair & Share:
Give the class the compare and contrast graphic organizer.
Look at the pictures of planes in this selection. Do they look like today’s airplanes? How are they similar? How are they different? Use the graphic organizer to compare and contrast.
Whole Group Discussion:
Display the poem “Flying” and have a student read it aloud. As she reads, ask her to use appropriate hand motions to illustrate actions. Then have another student read the poem with her, including the motions. Once students are familiar with the poem, ask several students to pantomime the actions described as the class recites the poem.

Sequence the events in the poem when flying in an airplane using a graphic organizer.

Sequencing activities:
Trick or Treating
Carving a pumpkin
Using a gumball machine
Using an elevator:
Making Microwave popcorn
Friday quiz, Teaching Master ES 2-2, Practice Master ES 2-2

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