
Parent Volunteers Needed at Jefferson Academy!!

Dear Parents,

There are huge benefits for all involved when you donate your time to your child's school and education. "When your child sees you alongside their teacher working as a team, it creates positive rapport and opens communication channels for everybody. The other compelling factor is that school budget cuts mean our class sizes are suddenly larger, and our teachers have fewer (if any) assistants. Any help as parent volunteers makes a big impact."

Thank you to the parent of one of my wonderful former students for volunteering to help us at Jefferson Academy this school year!! Ethel is now in 12th grade at Wilson Senior HS, and is determined to pursue college education. It is our great relationship that we forged together when she was my student in 6th grade that made them keep in touch with me. See Ms. Burnette's letter about me below...

To whom it may concern,

As the parent of Ethel B., I have had the priviledge to observe [Ms. Angala's] special education class for the last two years now.

Ethel is in her final year at Jefferson Middle School taking Reading and Math classes with Ms. Angala. She has endured classic ADHD-NOS (a nervous system disorder), ADD, socialization, and learning difficulties since birth. Ethel's weaknesses is being described as fragile. Ethel attends out-patient therapy, OT, and ADHD Clinic at [a private hospital]. Ethel's behavior mannerisms, coping skills, andf socialization skills are right on tasks because of the hardwork of all the Multi-Disciplinary Team members, including Ms. Angala as her special education teacher.

Ms. Angala is very consistent with communicating with me. She calls me not just when there are concerns with Ethel, but she also tells me about her achievements in class. She sends me emails, invitations to attend class with Ethel, and she meets with me often to give information about what's best for Ethel's future. The class website is very helpful for us to keep in track with class works when she is absent.

Ms. Angala's teaching strategies demonstrated in her class, and the way she disciplines her students, and the personal attention she is giving her students are working to benefit her students so they can reach their full potential. Ethel was encouraged by Ms. Angala to read a lot. She comes home from school with homework and wanting to read, she is excited about going to the library checking out on books, etc. She is also eager to go to Karate classes, Sweep Cadets, and possibly attend Duke Ellington or a Vocational School. This is all because Ms. Angala is greatly appreciated by my daughter and she's inspired by her to reach her highest potential.

After being in the class observing as a parent for these two years, I gained a great appreciation for this teacher, realizing that these special needs children need an innovative teacher like Ms. Angala. One abreast and focused with the technology needed to keep them focused and attentive, by commending them constantly giving them the praise they deserve when they have done well making them feel they have made their accomplished tasks properly.

I personally feel that Ms. Angala is responding to Ethel's needs adequately. Ethel is about to graduate and move on to the 9th grade. She is determined and focused to do her best in her endeavours; she is highly motivated to succeed. She promised to check in with Ms. Angala and keep in touch with her after she graduates regarding her progress.

I am a satisfied and confident mother, ready to move on. My thanks to Ms. Angala for all her dedication and hardwork.


Ms. Donna B.
May 22, 2008

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