
Data prove that my students achieve

After I learned that DC BAS results were already available yesterday, I immediately went to Think Link Learning website and pulled out the test scores data of my classes from last weeks benchmark assessments.
I was sooo surprised, my mouth fell, and I felt goosebumps all over. I couldn't believe my eyes! I was used to seeing reds in the bar graphs, seeing below basic from my students' scores, since they are diagnosed with learning disability and are 3-4 years below their grade level peers in academic skills. But these data in front of me were showing greens and yellows (green for proficient and yellow for basic), very very few reds (below basic).
I ran to our Math Coach who said that "They can get proficient! We will work with them some more!", and the Literacy Coach said "they nailed it!". I went to my principal who told me "Why are you surprised? Aren't you doing what is right for your students? If you believe that your students can achieve, THEY WILL!"
I walked down the hallway, back to my classroom, thinking of how I will extraordinarily reward my students for working hard to overcome their weaknesses in academic skills...any ideas? The Promethean Board which will be installed in my classroom soon (hmmm...I wonder when) is going to be perfect! When I showed the data to my students, one of them told me..."I told you Ms. Angala, I am learning! I am smart!" They got excited and promised me no reds next time!
It's not yet over, the actual game will be in spring. I have to keep the positivity and enthusiasm of my students up. And it's time to get more parents more involved!


  1. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Dear Ms. Angala,
    I chanced at the Daet website today and found ur brief article on Daet. It was nice of u to write about it although so brief. I'd like u to know that the Provincial Board has passed a resolution requesting for the national historical commission's recognition of the Rizal Monument as a national landmark with the consequence, among others, of posting it on the one-peso php coin. It would be nice if u could support that, too. Are ur parents still alive?
    I'm also a native of Daet and still here at present. I have gone to other place already but would like to see the sun of my life set here.
    I congratulate u for ur students who make it good in their class despite their diability. I'm also a special education teacher.
    Good luck and more power.

    Fe Rojas-Badaguas

  2. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Congratulations! Your site is informative and positive, and your students seem to be doing well. They are lucky to have a teacher like you.
    from an MCPS teacher
