
October is Special Education Month

Dear Jefferson Community,

We’re celebrating Special Education Month here at Jefferson from October 1 – October 31, 2008; our theme will be “Together We Shine”.

We, in the Special Education Department, would like to take this opportunity to promote awareness about diversity among students and to let you know how we can learn more about them and how we can support their special needs. Our school is participating in the following activities this month:

- Teacher- Parent Free Training & Workshop: “Why Does My Child Do This?” = for parents who wish to learn more about special needs and behaviors and what cause them; (details to follow)

- Professional Development Sessions for Teachers: “Together We Shine” = for us teachers to learn more on our roles in the IEP process, Principal Patton and the Special Educators assigned to your grade level team will meet with Regular Educators on how to differentiate instruction, work in an inclusion setting, behavior management, etc,…

- Weekly email articles and video clips on Special Education = expand knowledge about special education and special needs children, coming to your inbox every weekend.

Thank you for your support. We are looking forward to a positive collaboration!


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