
STORY SELECTIONS: Hatchet & Passage to Freedom (Anthologies)

LESSON PLAN for English Language Arts
DCPS STANDARDS COVERED: 6.LD-V.1 / 6.LD-V.7 / 6.LD-V.8 / 6.LD-V.10
Maria Angala, ELA/ Math Resource Teacher

STORY SELECTION: Hatchet (Anthology)

WARM UP: Different writing prompts will be given daily.


OBJECTIVES:After the lesson, students will be able to:read words that have suffixes –ful, -less, and –ly
use the phonics/ decoding strategy to decode longer words
students understand the formation and use of words using suffixes –ful, -less, and –ly
learn safety and manners on the wilderness

- Anthology: Hatchet
- Teaching master ES1-1
- Practice master ES 1-1
- 3 index card per student
- Pictures of things in the wilderness
- video: Trail Etiquette

METHODS & STRATEGIES:- In The Wilderness –

WHOLE GROUP INSTRUCTION: This week we will be reading a story about staying alive in the wilderness. To get ready to enjoy that story, we will talk about what you might see in a wilderness area – a wild place where people live. Elicit from students that a wilderness may be a forest, with pines, birches, and other kinds of trees, and that many wild animals live in the forest.

SHOW VIDEO: Trail Etiquette. Public service announcement for safety and manners on the trail. Illustrates human impact on and responsibility for the environment and wildlife in a forest. Filmed in the George Washington National Forest in Virginia and Cranberry Wilderness in West Virginia.

PAIR & SHARE: Have students work in pairs. Ask them to list down and describe 5 things a person might see in the wilderness. Ask each representative to share their list to the class.

- Hatchet (Anthology) -

WHOLE GROUP INSTRUCTION (READ ALOUD): Display the poem “In the Wild”. Ask one student to read it aloud. Houghton Mifflin pages 26-27. Discuss and describe the photos on Anthology page 26.

- What country’s wilderness does this photograph show us?
- What do you see in the photo?
- Have you seen these animals before?
- Where have you seen them? What words can we use to describe the animals?

“Hatchet” (Anthology) Houghton Mifflin pages 29-37. Lead the students on a picture walk using these prompts:
- page 31 = How do you think Brian feels in this picture? Why?
- Pages 32-33: Why do you think Brian is holding his leg? What is the porcupine doing? Why is Brian’s Hatchet on the ground?
- Page 35: Do you think it would be easy to use this hatchet? Why or why not? What might it be used for?
- Page 36-37: do you think the wilderness looks beautiful in this picture? What do you think Brian thinks and feels about being in the wilderness? Is he happy to be there? Why or why not?

WHOLE GROUP INSTRUCTION (SUFFIXES):SUFFIX= words added in the end of a base word that changes its meaning.
BASE WORD= is a word that is complete by itself, to which suffixes may be added. Give examples from Hatchet.

PAIR & SHARE: Give 3 colors of index cards to each group. Ask students to read the story “Forgetful Sue” (ES 1-1) and write down the words with suffix –less in the pink index card, the words with suffix –ful in the yellow index card, and the suffix –ly in the green index card. Ask them to go to the board and post the words according to the suffix category.

ADDITIONAL HOMEWORK (plus gold stars): Cut 5 pictures of animals that you can find in the wilderness. You can cut from magazines or print from the computer. Paste them in your notebook.

READING BLOCK: continue reading “The Little Prince”


After the lesson, students will be able to:
students identify and practice the four kinds of sentences
students use story details to explain events and a character’s feelings
identify how details help a character’s motives

- Teaching master ES 1-2
- Practice master 1-2
- Anthology: Hatchet
- Pictures of animals that you can find in the wilderness
- Video: Animals in the wild and adaptations
- Punctuation PPT
- Kinds of sentences cards


WHOLE GROUP INSTRUCTION: We have said that the wilderness is a place where wild animals live. What kind of animal did Brian find in his tent? Is this animal dangerous? What are some other animals a person might see in the wilderness? Which can be dangerous? Which are usually not dangerous?

INDIVIDUAL: Write the names of the animals you have from your homework in the post its. Post them on the board according to the category: dangerous/ not dangerous. Ask the students what is one animal you would not like to meet in the wilderness? Why or why not?

SHOW VIDEO: This film shows different animals (from Grand Teton National Park) and their adaptations.

WHOLE GROUP INSTRUCTION (PICTURE WALK): “Hatchet” (Anthology) Houghton Mifflin pages 37-49. Lead the students on a picture walk using these prompts:
- page 31 = What is Bryan doing with the Hatchet in this picture?
- Page 41= Why do you think Brian is blowing on the fire?
- Page 42-43 = How do you think Brian feels in this picture? Why?

WHOLE GROUP INSTRUCTION (KINDS OF SENTENCE): Discuss the kinds of sentences to the students: declarative/ interrogative/ imperative/ exclamatory.

BOARD WORK: Ask students to post on the board the sentences on the cards to be given out according to their correct category. Ask the students to read their sentences aloud.

- DETAILS: used by authors to help readers understand character’s feelings and actions. Authors may also use details to help explain a character’s motives; that is, why a character acts in a certain way.
- Display Teaching Master ES1-2. The underlined phrases are details that show a character’s feelings. Ask students to use the illustrations to determine what word best describes the underlined details.

READING BLOCK: continue reading “The Little Prince”



After the lesson, students will be able to:
identify simple subjects and predicates
identify complete subjects and predicates
write complete subjects and predicates

MATERIALS:Sentences and Non Sentences PPT
Subject-Predicate PPT:
Writing Workshop Video:


WHOLE GROUP DISCUSSION: Show the PPT on Subject and Predicate. Encourage students to reply to the prompts in the presentation.

BOARD WORK: Answer exercises on subject & Predicate.

PAIR & SHARE: Work as a team (and compete with others) to answer the exercise on the board on sentences and non sentences.

SHOW VIDEO (WRITING WORKSHOP): Beginning with a simple subject and a simple predicate I will show students a great way to get them to write long, stretchy sentences using better word choice. It is a first in a series of techniques that I use for sentence variety, word choice, different sentence beginnings and revising sentences.
Give writing prompt and ask the students to free write applying the strategies that they just have learned from the video.

READING BLOCK: continue reading “The Little Prince”

Passage to Freedom (Anthology)

After the lesson, the students will be able to:
- Read words that have two or more syllables.
- Understand syllabication and can divide words into syllables
- Use the phonics/ decoding strategy to decode longer words

- Syllabication PPT
- Anthology: Passage to Freedom


“Album for a Hero” Houghton Mifflin pages 50-51: This story tells about a diplomat who used his power to save people’s lives.
- What is a diplomat’s job?
- What kind of person do you think would be good at this job? Why?
- How do you think a refugee might feel?

- page 52: Who are the two people in the foreground of the picture? How do you think the boy feels about his father? Who are the people in the background? Where do you think they are going?
- Page 53: What do you think the boy want? At whom do you think is he looking?
- Pages 54-55: What clues in this picture show us that this story happened a long time ago and in another country? What do the words on the front of the car mean?
- Page 57: Who are these people? What do they want? How are they feeling?
- Page 58: How many people are in the Sugihara family? What do you think they are talking about there?

INDIVIDUAL WORK (syllabication): Show syllabication PowerPoint and ask students to respond to exercises on their notebooks.

READING BLOCK: continue reading “The Little Prince”


- Rags & Riches Game for the story “Passage to Freedom”
- Conjunctions PPT
- Compound sentences cards

 WHOLE GROUP DISCUSSION: Discuss conjunctions with a PPT presentation. Students will be encouraged to respond to the exercises given in the presentation.

PAIR & SHARE: Ask students to work in pairs. Distribute the Compund Sentence Cards to them and ask them to think of a way to express each pair of sentences in one sentence using the words and, but, or or.

Review skills for “Passage to Freedom” with the Rags & Riches Game.
QUIZ: Spelling list

READING BLOCK: continue reading “The Little Prince”


Observation of student responses during Q&A
ES 1-1 Practice Master.
Board work
Anecdotal notes based on teacher observation of students' participation in class discussions
Spelling quiz (Friday)

DAILY HOMEWORK: Homework will be checked with parent’s signature daily. The same spelling list (please see student word list) will be used for this week but each day, students will choose two from the list of activities (each day should be different):
· Use the word in an original sentence.
· Find and learn the definition of the word.
· Know how to pronounce the word.
· Which parts of speech is the word used as (e.g. noun, verb)?
· What are other forms of the word such as plurals or tenses.
· What are synonyms of the word?
· What are antonyms of the word?
· What is the origin or etymology of the word?
· What words rhyme with this word?

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