
Operations and Factorization Lesson Plan

LESSON PLAN for Mathematics
For the week of Sept 1-7, 2008

Students will:
- review math basic operations vocabulary
- learn a song that will help them remember the meaning of each operation and the vocabulary associated with it
- answer exercises involving the four basic math operations
- apply number theory concepts to the solution of problems


- number theory concepts
- prime numbers
- composite numbers
- prime factorization
- greatest common factor
- least common multiple
- divisibility rules
- problems


· Operation Vocabulary Cards
· Operation Song overhead
· LCD projector
- Fact Families PPT presentation
· Number Operations PPT activity #1
- Math Number Operations PPT activity #2
- Factors and Prime Numbers PPT


- Daily computation activities will be given in class.


Mathematics is a language. No matter how excellent the math instruction is, if the students do not know and understand the meaning of the vocabulary they will not learn what is necessary.
One of the basic skills needed to understand the meanings of the four operations is a thorough understanding of math vocabulary. Math requires a specialized set of vocabulary, just as subjects such as technology, music, art, and science do. Students must comprehend math vocabulary if they are going to be able to reason and communicate mathematically.

This lesson includes vocabulary for all four operations. You would not teach these all at once, but rather teach each set of vocabulary as you introduce the operation throughout the year. After teaching each set you can also use them for a review.

- Copy the Operation Vocabulary Cards onto cardstock, cut them apart, and laminate. Put a large chart paper on the board.
- Make sure students understand the “big idea” of each operation.
Addition—get them all
Subtraction—take away or compare
Multiplication—total of equal groups, repeated addition
Division—separate into equal groups, repeated subtraction

- Teach students the Operation Song to help them remember the meaning of each operation and the vocabulary associated with it. To help students remember the inverse operations, divide class into four parts, assign them to sing one operation’s verse, then have them pair up with their inverse (addition-subtraction) (multiplication-division) and sing both verses together.

- Place each of the operation signs on one wall of your room. Pass out missing operation problem cards. Have students decide which operation they would use to solve their problem and go stand under that sign. Have them solve their problems to make sure their choice is correct. Switch cards and repeat.

- Show the Fact Family powerpoint presentation and have the students answer the exercises in group competition.



- Show to the class the Factors and Prime Numbers PPT.


Give this engaging scenario to the students:
If class could be held outside, how could you arrange your desks? Your teacher has announced that she wants your help in rearranging desks outside classroom to get ready for a big year-end project which requires a lot more empty space. There are 24 square student desks to use and each one is one unit by one unit. Your job is to arrange the individual desks such that they take up the least amount of space. The length and width of the desk design and arrangement must be seated in whole numbers and the arrangement of desks you come up with has to be rectangular. Your job is going to be easier if you first model each possible rectangular arrangement of desks, then copy the arrangement onto grid paper making sure to write the dimensions of the rectangle. Finally, you must decide on the best arrangement and explain your plan to the class so that they can carry it out.

Performance Tasks:

- Students discover the possible arrangements of square desks by using square tiles to model the factors of 24.
- Students illustrate their models on grid paper and write the dimensions (factor pairs) of the models
- Students compare illustration of their models
- Students decide on the best arrangement of desks based on their illustrations.
- Students explain their decision to class.

· Divide the class into teams. Let them solve the activities in Number Operations PPT activity #1 and Math Number Operations PPT activity #2. Reward the groups with the best teamwork.


Practice exercises will be sent home daily and will be checked with parent signature the next day.


· Observing the students during the activity outlined in step 6 provides you with information about the students’ level of understanding.
· Make a formal written test using the missing operation problems (Friday)
· Assign a problem solving activity and have students format their answers using math vocabulary and concepts.
· Spelling quiz (Friday)

CREATIVE MATH IDEA 6th grade below:

1 comment:

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